
“Milk, Good for Every, body” is an advertising campaign crafted to showcase the myriad of benefits that milk offers in a way that resonates with Gen z. At it’s core this campaign celebrates milk as a nutrient dense powerhouse, and invites young consumers to give milk another chance by embracing it as the healthy choice.

  • With the rise of new plant-based milk alternatives, milk sales are on the decline, especially with younger audiences. Create a campaign that makes milk cool again, and infuses a fresh energy pulling in younger demographics.

  • Milk, the simple dairy beverage that we have all enjoyed at least once in our life. However, in a crowded market, milk struggles to standout against the new options of soy, oat, and almond. So, why are young people not buying or drinking milk?

    When talking with Gen Z, many say that they enjoy milk in the comfort of their own home, however, when out with friends, they feel pressured to pick the “trendy” or “healthier” option.

    Keeping this in mind, “Milk, Good for every, body” showcases milk as the healthiest option on the market. Gen Z is a demographic that is obsessed with their health, they are some of the most active, and are constantly thinking about what they put in their bodies. This milk campaign makes use of that desire for a healthy lifestyle by not only highlighting the health benefits of milk, but by contrasting it with the less desirable alternative. After all, who really wants to eat sardines instead of drinking a glass of milk.

Class work - AUArts 2024

Created for

Series of out of home advertising

Guerrilla advertising


Out Of Home

Guerrilla Ad’s

These two images are examples of how this campaign could be applied beyond out of home advertising techniques.

The first images highlights the statistic that a glass of milk has the same protein quantity as three cups of broccoli. This statistic shows up on campaign branded dumbells that would be randomly placed in gyms around Canada.

The second image is of a campaign branded swimsuit that would be placed in a variety of mass retailers across the country. This image promotes the statistic that a single glass of milk contains just as much vitamin D as a day in the sun.

These two guerilla ad’s are meant to interrupt consumers day by catching their eye with everyday objects. These guerilla ad’s are intended to get consumers questioning how they can integrate milk into their everyday to live a healthier lifestyle.