
Cook Book

Cookies from around the world is multi-issue cook book that covers a range of cuisines. Each issue focuses on a specific type of cookie, its heritage, cultural significance, and provides tips for making the perfect cookie. This issue covers the beloved biscotti and covers three categories, providing nine delectable recipes.

  • Design a single issue of a cook book series that builds the framework for the entire series.

  • This series of “Cookies from Around the World” discusses the beloved Italian Biscotti. This cook book not only delves into the cultural heritage of biscotti but also serves up an assortment of recipes handpicked from Italy’s diverse culinary landscape.

    This cookbook is meant to immerse readers in the coy ambiance of Grandma’s kitchen. With an inviting colour palette of terra cotta and light pink the reader is welcomed into the art of baking biscotti. And when you think that this cook book couldn’t get more enticing a splash of dark blue adds a touch of sophistication, elevating the readers baking experience.

    So, grab your apron and prepare to embark on a culinary adventure that will transport you to the heart of Italy.

Class work - AUArts 2023

Created for

Fully realized cook book with introduction, three chapters, and a fun how-to section.

